Since 1994

About Industrial Absorbent Solutions
Industrial Absorbent Solutions (IAS) supplies absorbents for every leak and spill out there. IAS also recycles used oil absorbents through a closed-loop patented cleaning process. The oil is extracted from the absorbents for recycling, and the absorbents are laundered for reuse. IAS is your one stop solution to the time and money associated with the purchase and disposal of absorbents.
Cost Savings
Recycling eliminates the cost of purchasing absorbents as well as the high price of proper disposal. The cost of non-recyclable absorbents alone exceeds the cost of our absorbents plus the recycling service.
Our Price Includes:
• Cost of absorbents
• Cost of collection drum
• Recycling Service
• Transportation and restocking of inventory
• Recycling certificate and drum labels
Additionally the IAS programs provides EPA compliance for absorbents and has environmental benefits.
Industrial Absorbent Solutions provides all customers with a reusable absorbent. IAS recycles the oil, coolant, etc. from the absorbents. The absorbent is then laundered, bagged, and labeled with the return customer’s name. Our customers receive their previously used absorbents back for reuse. Customers do not receive another company’s absorbents.
Industrial Absorbent Solutions patented recycling process is CLOSED-LOOP. Absolutely no waste is discharged into a water treatment facility. There is not one drain located in the facility. All materials found in an IAS collection drum have the liquids removed for recycling. Any non-recyclable absorbents, trash, or damaged absorbents are removed and sent to a waste-to-energy incinerator.